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Information is everywhere. We are unaware most of the time that we are perceiving, manipulating and/or are otherwise effected by information as we go about our lives, however the reality remains that it all boils down to information. Some information can be changed, some is static and can only be recorded, noted or otherwise sensed by us and some information can be created(debatable). When asked what information is we often associate other names to it. We’ll say things like information is data in a database somewhere or it’s the notes we scribbled in our notebooks during a meeting. The more we think about it the more we realize what a broad term information is. Our brains process all kinds of information and translate it into terms we understand like colour processed from photons entering our eye, sound wave registered by our ears. Now quantum physics is taking a look at how the universe processes information and is coming forth with some pretty far out theories on black holes and how they may process and store information in their accretion disk about the universe surrounding them.

Disclaimer: This picture belongs to the world wide web. I have used it as a desktop wallpaper from such along time ago I do not even remember where it came from to give proper credit.

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