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First night, May 2nd

The first clear night after the purchase of the telescope I set up on the balcony to try to view whatever objects I could. I ran in and out of the house keeping one eye closed, to maintain dark adapted vision, looking up objects that could be seen from my balconies small view point. Luckily my balconies small window on the night sky is in a pretty good direction, facecing almost directly east. Seeing the rings of Saturn was perhaps the highlight of the night. I went through a list of faint globular clusters, galaxies and nebulae. While globular clusters were visible they were very faint due to light polution in the city. most galaxies could not be seen and the ones that could were nothing more that a very faint fuzzy blur. Nebulae were out of the question.

Disclaimer: The above photo is from the Cassini satelite that has been orbiting Saturn since 2004 and is still to this day sending back amazing photos of Saturn and her moon. Most of the focus of the satelite these days has moved on from Titan to Enceladus.

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