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New Telescope

After a lot of reading, research, looking at photos of what can be seen through various telescopes I finally decided to buy an 8” Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope, a Celestron Nexstar 8se to be exact. I also purchased a Power Tank 7, a 2x Barlow, an Xcel LX 25mm eyepiece, an Xcel LX 9mm eyepiece, and a dew shield to complete the telescope kit and be fully prepared for many nights of viewing to come.

Eliane and I drove an hour and a half through the last winter storm of rain and sleet on April 25th to arrive at Le Maison d’Astronomy in Montreal. It was a bit too quick of an in and out and I imagined in my head it being a much grander experience, however I was still ecstatic to finally own a telescope. We also wanted to spend time at the old port to take full advantage of the trip to Montreal, however due to the poor weather conditions we promptly headed back to Sherbrooke and home.

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